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Maxwell came to us as a rescue basset from the Pulaski County Humane Society of Arkansas. He had apparently been owned by someone who cared for him, but abandoned him when he developed heart worms. He is now heart worm negative, and we are integrating him into the family. Abby's none too happy, but she's coming around. Winston - well, he's just fine with him.

Due to his heart worms and his abandonment, Maxwell is painfully skinny - his head appears far too large for his body, and his ribs and hip bones are very visible. That won't take long to correct now that his heart worm treatment is almost finished, so we'll post pictures of "Before" and "After". Until that happens, though, here are some current pictures. The one below and the next are pictures taken at the Pulaski County Humane Society of Arkansas for the Featured Dogs pages.
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